Yes You Can Reach Your Goals This Year

Ken Filler
3 min readMar 10, 2022

We are three months into the new year, and I bet most of you have given up your New Years’ resolutions.

Markus Winkler Unsplash

What happened to that excitement and determination that you were so alive with on January 1?

What happened to that goal or resolution to lose those extra pounds, quit smoking, or be a better partner, father, or mother?

Don’t feel bad. You are not alone in falling off the wagon.

Most people do not reach their goals because they do not understand the difference between resolutions and goals.

The sad fact is most people gave up on their resolutions just two weeks into the new year. Most of the time, it’s because they weren’t 100 percent committed in the first place. When you make a New Years’ resolution or any resolution, you are making a wish. You wish for something to happen.

To make a significant change in your life, you need to set a goal or goals in a couple of different areas to get your life headed in the positive direction that you want it to go in.

One of the keys to achieving your goals is to write them down.
You can post them in a place where you can see them every day as a reminder of your commitment to yourself.



Ken Filler

Ghostwriter. Speaker, Inspiring leaders and everyday people on how to live a productive life in this busy world. Contact me at