How To Have More Peace In Your Life

Ken Filler
4 min readJul 30, 2020

Nobody can give you peace but yourself. — Success magazine.

It seems it is getting harder and harder to have peace of mind. These last few months have been challenging for everyone. Everywhere we turn someone seems to be saying or doing something outrageous to get our attention.

Turn on the news, and in five minutes someone will say something that will make your head want to explode.

All this is a distraction. It is a distraction taking your mind away from your top priorities and having you think and focus on stuff that you have no control over.

It is time we regain our peace. Gain control over your life and eliminate those things from your life that is causing you to stress out and lose your peace.

What you allow into your mind and life will affect the piece in your life.

I’ve got four strategies that I want to give you. If you will implement these into your life, they will help you gain more peace.

Turn the news off

It doesn’t matter what your politics are. Things are happening every day that will try to distract you from productivity, and rob you of your joy.



Ken Filler

Ghostwriter. Speaker, Inspiring leaders and everyday people on how to live a productive life in this busy world. Contact me at