Five things I’m quitting in 2023

Ken Filler
5 min readFeb 23, 2023

I am not a quitter. But I came to the realization that in order to have a more clear and sharper focus, there were some people and situations I needed to quit in order to continue to live my best life.

If you want to live your best life, certain habits must be incorporated into your daily life to help you succeed. You must also ensure that you are committed to living out those habits daily.

Photo by Felix Rostig on Unsplash

Habits like putting yourself first, and taking care of yourself. This includes daily exercise, reading positive material, and journaling that are just a few of the practices that will add value to your life.

There are also some additional habits and behaviors that you need to stop doing immediately to have success and have the stress-free life that you want to have

Here are three things that I am committed to quitting in 2023 to live a happier, healthier, well-balanced life, and you can too.

Negative Self-Talk

One of the things I have found that wears me out mentally is the constant stream of negativity. We are bombarded by it everywhere – on social media posts and at work. So many of us work in a constant cesspool of negativity that it is hard to even think positively at the end of the day. We also hear a continuous stream of negativity from our customers and clients.



Ken Filler

Ghostwriter. Speaker, Inspiring leaders and everyday people on how to live a productive life in this busy world. Contact me at